Last supper

Realized by – Francesco e Vincenzo Biangardi in 1885
Ordered by – Panettieri e Fornai
It belongs to the congregation of bakers
Labor cost – Lire 2.800

This simulacrum, the exact reproduction of the Leonardo da Vinci’s paint realized for the Santa Maria delle Grazie’s convent in Milan, it’s composed by thirteen characters that represent the moment in which Christ announced the imminent betrayal.
It’s easy to see the expressions of the apostles and in particular Judas’s one who, holding tight the money, his betrayal’s symbol.  

Jesus praying in the Gethsemane’s garden

Realized by – Francesco e Vincenzo Biangardi in 1884
Ordered by – The congregation of pastai
It belongs to the congregation of millers
Labor cost – Lire 800

This simulacrum, composed by only two characters, represent Jesus kneeling down the olive’s tree, whom look, turned to the sky, prays and shows all his holy resignation.
Trough the olive’s tree’s branch, a floating angel appears with his divine face giving to Christ the comfort’s chalice.


Realized by – Francesco e Vincenzo Biangardi in 1884
Ordered by – The congregation of green-grocer
It belongs to the congregation of green-grocer
Labor cost – Lire 1.100

This simulacrum, represents the moment in which Jesus is catched by a group of soldiers, guided by Judas, who is going to kiss Christ, to show him to them, hidden behind the olive’s tree’s branch. Behind Jesus a Jewish, whit a terrible expression, tight a rope which he uses to tie up Jesus Christ.


Realized by – Francesco e Vincenzo Biangardi in 1886
Ordered by – The Juncio Testasecca mine’s workers.
It belongs to Caltanissetta’s town hall
Labor cost – Lire 6.000

This simulacrum is composed by twelve characters which represent the supreme council of Israel convened by the suprem priests Caiphas, who is sitting in the centre of the scene under a rich canopy.
The most important figure is Jesus, escorted by a soldier and his expression shoe his resignation to the Divine will.


Realized by – Francesco Biangardi apprentices in XX century
Ordered by – The Juncio Gessolungo mine’s workers
It belongs to Cervellione brothers
Labor cost – Unknown

In the centre, Jesus, tied up to column, in spite of his agony, shows a dignified resignation.
At the sides two flagellators, whose movements express anger, are intent to hit Christ, while on the left, another tormentor on his knees, wants to twist a thorns crown.

Ecce Homo

Realized by – Francesco Biangardi in 1892
Ordered byPizzicagnoli and green-grocer
It belongs to the congregation of green-grocer
Labor cost – Lire 1.400

This simulacrum represents the moment in which Pilato shows to the population from the praetorium’s balcony Christ yet flagellated.
Under the stairs, which maybe conduct to the praetorium palace, there are different characters which represent the population, that don’t show any sign of pity and commiseration.
The attention is called by the man sitting on the steps a very hangry hangman, who can’t wait to torture the condemned.


Realized by – Francesco Biangardi in 1902
Ordered by – The Trabonella mine’s workers
It belongs to the congregation of printers
Labor cost – Lire 4.300

This simulacrum is the last Biangardi work.
The scene shows, under a precious canopy, Pilato cleaning his hands, while a standing member of the tribunal reads the crucifixion sentence.
Jesus with two soldiers, is on the left waiting for the judgement and his look shows all his resignation.

First fall

Realized by – Francesco and Vincenzo Biangardi in 1886
Ordered by – Congregation of St. Lucia
It belongs to the congregation of marble workers
Labor cost – Lire 700

The scene, though composed only of three sculptures, is one of the most expressive.
Jesus, exhausted by fatigue, falls under the weight of the cross, while a Roman soldier strikes him with the spear in order to raise it.
Behind Christ, a second character is intent on pulling the rope with which he is attached to Jesus, pushing the cross at the same time, to speed up the path to the top of Calvary.


Realized by – Francesco and Vincenzo Biangardi in 1886
Ordered by – Plasterers
It belongs to the heirs of the Cannarozzo family
Labor cost – Lire 800

The simulacrum is made up of four characters to portray the pious gesture of Simone of Cirene, who, when tired of the campaign, is obliged to help Jesus carry the heavy cross.
Moving is the figure of Christ who, with the divine submission, begins along the painful path, while behind him a Judean, outspoken expression of anger, continue without stopping to strike him.


Realized by – Francesco and Vincenzo Biangardi in 1883
Ordered by – Juncio Gessolungo miners
It belongs to the Sacra lega San Michele Arcangelo association
Labor cost – Lire 900

It is the first group created by Biangardi following the disaster in the Gessolungo mine on November 12, 1881.
The scene depicts the moving encounter of Jesus with the pitiful Veronica, who, with compassion, dries with a veil the holy blood-drenched face that remained on the soft tissue.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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